Monday, 5 August 2013

Notre Tour de France #17 (80 mi)

As planned yesterday, we set out east from Secondigny towards Le Blanc. Do you remember me saying the campsite we were staying at wanted €3 for an hour of Internet on one device? Well we returned to the same café we frequented yesterday in Parthenay where it cost us €2.40 for two coffees (each with a little sweet), 2 glasses of water, Internet access on our three devices and free charging of these as well. That's more like it...

Onwards from this town, the roads seemed to level out considerably which made for mostly pleasant riding. Just as well really since today has been a long day. There's not too much to say about the places we passed through. One or two villages had pretty bridges and some nice buildings. We stopped once for coffee (and chocolate, but don't tell anyone), once for lunch as we passed a supermarket, and once again for a cheeky ice cream. Please don't think of us as greedy; we've burnt somewhere over 2000 calories each today. It's practically mandatory that we eat ice cream, especially with the weather today keeping at somewhere around 33 degrees. It did actually rain on us as well, for all of 20 seconds. Just how it should be, really.

Around 10 miles before reaching Le Blanc, we saw signs for camping just off the main road and thought it'd be worth investigating. Our curiosity paid off, and we're now pitched on a municipal campsite for a total cost of €6 per night - and the toilets are provided with toilet paper. Bliss. Before turning in for the night, we had a nosey around the town, stopped off for a coffee at one bar, and another where Jwan treated himself to a beer. Because it's a Monday and opening hours are a little backwards, we've not been able to source any supplies for our evening meal. I'm rather hungry, but I guess I'll just go and eat what is left of the morning cereal (without milk) utill we find some breakfast tomorrow morning on the way to Le Blanc.

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